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Lisp/Scheme | 1994-05-28 | 17.9 KB | 562 lines | [TEXT/xlsp] |
- ; This is a rewritten and improved version of "REPAIR"
- ; (ins <symbol>) or (insf <symbol>) to repair only the function
- ; binding, with the capability of changing the argument list and type
- ; (MACRO or LAMBDA).
- ; Editor alters the "selection" by copying so that aborting all changes
- ; is generally posible.
- ; Exception: when editing a closure, if the closure is Backed out of, the
- ; change is permanent.
- ; Do not create new closures, because the environment will be incorrect.
- ; Closures become LAMBDA or MACRO expressions when edited. Only
- ; the closure body may be changed; the argument list cannot be successfully
- ; modified, nor can the environment.
- ; For all commands taking a numeric argument, the first element of the
- ; selection is the 0th (as in NTH function).
- ; Structure elements, class methods, instance variables, and properties
- ; are selected by name, using the E command.
- ; For class objects, only the methods, selectors and class variables
- ; can be edited. Class variables can only be changed if instance variables
- ; of class instances can be changed (see next paragraph).
- ; For instance objects, instance variables can be examine
- ; (if the object understands the message :<ivar> for the particular ivar),
- ; and changed if :SET-IVAR is defined for that class (as it is if CLASSES.LSP
- ; is used)
- ; COMMANDS (case is significant):
- ; A -- select the CAR of the current selection.
- ; D -- select the CDR of the current selection.
- ; e n -- select element n
- ; r n x -- replaces element n with (quoted) x.
- ; X -- exit, saving all changes
- ; Q -- exit, without changes
- ; b -- go back one level (as before A, D or e commands)
- ; B n -- go back n levels.
- ; l -- display selection using pprint; if selection is symbol, give
- ; short description
- ; v -- verbosity toggle
- ; . n -- change maximum print length (default 10)
- ; # n -- change maximum print depth (default 3)
- ; ! x -- evaluates x and prints result
- ; The symbol tools:@ is bound to the selection
- ; R x -- replaces the selection with evaluated x.
- ; The symbol tools:@ is bound to the selection
- ; additional commands if selection is a list or array:
- ; ( n m -- inserts parenthesis starting with the nth element,
- ; for m elements.
- ; ) n -- removes parenthesis surrounding nth element of selection,
- ; which may be array or list
- ; [ n m -- as in [, but makes elements into an array
- ; i n x -- inserts (quoted) x before nth element in selection.
- ; d n -- deletes nth element in selection.
- ; additional command if selection is a list:
- ; S x y -- all occurances of (quoted) y are replaced with
- ; (quoted) x. EQUAL is used for the comparison.
- #+:packages
- (unless (find-package "TOOLS")
- (make-package "TOOLS" :use '("XLISP")))
- (in-package "TOOLS")
- (export '(ins insf @))
- ; Global variable used by inspect functions
- (defparameter *ins-exit* 0) ; "returning" flag
- (defparameter *ins-name* nil) ; name of what we are editing
- (defvar *ins-plev* 3) ; initial print level used
- (defvar *ins-plen* 10) ; initial print length used
- (defvar *verbosity* t) ; printing verbosity flag
- (defconstant *LPAR* #\()
- (defconstant *RPAR* #\))
- ; inspect a symbol -- the generic entry point
- (defmacro ins (a)
- (unless (symbolp a) (error "~s is not a symbol" a))
- (let
- ((*breakenable* t)
- (*ins-exit* 0)
- (*ins-name* (cons "symbol" a))
- (*print-level* *ins-plev*)
- (*print-length* *ins-plen*))
- (catch 'abort (ins-ins a)))
- `',a)
- ; inspect a function, with editable arguments
- (defmacro insf (a)
- (let
- ((*breakenable* nil)
- (*ins-exit* 0)
- (*ins-name* (cons "function" a))
- (*print-level* *ins-plev*)
- (*print-length* *ins-plen*))
- (catch 'abort
- (if (and (fboundp a) (typep (symbol-function a) 'closure))
- (let ((x (ins-ins(get-lambda-expression(symbol-function a)))))
- (case (first x)
- (lambda `(defun ,a ,@(rest x)))
- (macro `(defmacro ,a ,@(rest x)))
- (t (error "not a closure!"))))
- (error "can't repair")))))
- ; ins-propp returns T if p is a property of a
- (defun ins-propp (a p)
- (do ((plist (symbol-plist a) (cddr plist)))
- ((or (null plist) (eq (car plist) p))
- (not (null plist)))))
- ; terminate input line
- (defun ins-teread (error)
- (fresh-line)
- (if (not (eq (peek-char) #\Newline))
- (read-line))
- (if error
- (format t "Try again:")
- (format t "~a ~a>" (car *ins-name*) (cdr *ins-name*))))
- (defmacro ins-protread () ;;Protected read -- we handle errors
- '(do ((val (errset (read))
- (progn (ins-teread t) (errset (read)))))
- ((consp val) (car val))))
- (defmacro ins-proteval () ;;protected eval -- we handle errors
- ;; we also use evalhook so environment is global
- ;; plus a local @, which cannot be changed!
- '(do* ((env (cons (list (list (cons '@ list))) nil))
- (val (errset (evalhook (read) nil nil env))
- (progn (ins-teread t)
- (errset (evalhook (read) nil nil env)))))
- ((consp val) (car val))))
- ; Part of modified classes.lsp. Repeated here in case classes.lsp not used
- #+:packages (shadow 'classp)
- (defun classp (name)
- (when (objectp name)
- (eq (send name :class) class)))
- ; New methods so that we can inspect and repair messages.
- (send Class :answer :messages '() '(messages))
- ; new methods so that we can inspect and repair instance variables
- (send Class :answer :ivars '() '(ivars))
- (send Class :answer :cvars '() '((map 'list #'cons cvars cvals)))
- (send Class :answer :superclass '() '(superclass))
- #+:packages (import '(xlisp::%struct-ref xlisp::%struct-set))
- (defun ins-struct (struct name) ; get structure element
- (%struct-ref struct
- (1+ (position name
- (get (type-of struct) '*struct-slots*)
- :key #'first))))
- (defun ins-set-struct (struct name value) ; set structure element
- (%struct-set struct
- (1+ (position name
- (get (type-of struct) '*struct-slots*)
- :key #'first))
- value))
- #+:packages (unintern 'xlisp::%struct-ref)
- #+:packages (unintern 'xlisp::%struct-set)
- (defun ins-ivar (obj name)
- (funcall #'send obj
- #+:packages (intern (string name) :keyword)
- #-:packages (intern (strcat ":" name))
- ))
- (defun ins-set-ivar (obj name value)
- (funcall #'send obj :set-ivar
- #+:packages (intern (string name) :keyword)
- #-:packages (intern (strcat ":" name))
- value))
- ; help function
- (defun ins-help (list)
- (format t "~%Available commands:~2%")
- (format t "e n~8tselect element n~%")
- (format t "r n x~8treplaces element n with (quoted) x.~%")
- (format t "X~8texit, saving all changes~%")
- (format t "Q~8texit, without changes~%")
- (format t "b~8tgo back one level (as before A, D or e commands)~%")
- (format t "B n~8tgo back n levels.~%")
- (format t (if (symbolp list)
- "l~8tshow symbol"
- "l~8tdisplay selection using pprint~%"))
- (format t "v~8tverbosity toggle~%")
- (format t ". n~8tchange maximum print length (default 10)~%")
- (format t "# n~8tchange maximum print depth (default 3)~%")
- (format t "! x~8tevaluates x and prints result.~%~8tThe symbol tools:@ is bound to the selection~%")
- (format t "R x~8treplaces the selection with evaluated x.~%~8tThe symbol tools:@ is bound to the selection~%")
- (unless (typep list '(or cons array)) (return-from ins-help list))
- (format t "A~8tselect the CAR of the current selection.~%")
- (format t "D~8tselect the CDR of the current selection.~%")
- (format t "( n m~8tinserts parens from nth element for m elements.~%")
- (format t ") n~8tremoves parens around nth element of selection~%")
- (format t "[ n m~8tas in [, but makes elements into an array~%")
- (format t "i n x~8tinserts (quoted) x before nth element in selection.~%")
- (format t "d n~8tdeletes nth element in selection.~%")
- (unless (typep list 'cons) (return-from ins-help list))
- (format t "S x y~8tall occurances of (quoted) y are replaced with~%~8t(quoted) x. EQUAL is used for the comparison.~%")
- list)
- ; Display current selection
- (defun ins-display (list)
- (fresh-line)
- (cond ((typep list '(or cons array))
- (let ((n 0))
- (map nil #'(lambda (l)
- (format t "~3@s ~s~%" n l)
- (setq n (1+ n)))
- list)))
- ((typep list 'struct)
- (format t "~a structure ~%" (type-of list))
- (mapc #'(lambda (n)
- (format t
- "~10s~s~%"
- (car n)
- (ins-struct list (car n))))
- (get (type-of list) '*struct-slots*)))
- ((classp list)
- (format t "Class ~s, messages:~%" (send list :pname))
- (mapc #'(lambda (n) (format t " ~s" (car n)))
- (send list :messages))
- (terpri)
- (when (send list :cvars)
- (format t "~%cvars:~%")
- (mapc #'(lambda (n) (format t " ~s ~s~%" (car n) (cdr n)))
- (send list :cvars))))
- ((objectp list)
- (format t "A ~s, ivars:~%" (send (send list :class) :pname))
- (mapc #'(lambda (n) (format t " ~s ~s~%" n (ins-ivar list n)))
- (send (send list :class) :ivars))
- (terpri))
- ((symbolp list)
- (format t "Symbol ~s:~%" (symbol-name list))
- (when (fboundp list) (format t "Function binding~%"))
- (when (boundp list)
- (format t "Value binding~a: ~s~%"
- (cond ((constantp list) " (constant)")
- ((specialp list) " (special)")
- (t ""))
- (symbol-value list)))
- (when (symbol-plist list)
- (format t "Properties:~%")
- (do ((l (symbol-plist list) (cddr l)))
- ((null l) nil)
- (format t "~s ~s~%" (first l) (second l)))))
- (t (pprint list)))
- list)
- ; Bad command
- (defun ins-bad (list)
- (format t "What??~%")
- list)
- ;; Expects number >=min and <max (if max non-nil)
- ;; returns valid number, or prints message and returns nil
- (defun ins-number (min max err &aux (n (ins-protread)))
- (if (and (numberp n)
- (>= n min)
- (or (null max) (< n max)))
- n
- (if err (ins-bad nil) nil)))
- ; inspect and replace list/array/structure/object/symbol elements
- (defun ins-list-spec (list)
- (princ " element #? ")
- (ins-number 0 (length list) nil))
- (defun ins-struct-spec (list &aux name)
- (princ " element name? ")
- (when (assoc (setq name (ins-protread))
- (get (type-of list) '*struct-slots*))
- name))
- (defun ins-class-spec (list &aux name)
- (princ " message/cvar name? ")
- (cond ((assoc (setq name (ins-protread))
- (send list :messages))
- (cons t name))
- ((assoc name (send list :cvars))
- (cons nil name))))
- (defun ins-object-spec (list &aux name)
- (princ " ivar name? ")
- (when (member (setq name (ins-protread))
- (send (send list :class) :ivars))
- name))
- (defun ins-symbol-spec (list &aux name)
- (if (and (boundp list) (not (fboundp list)) (not (symbol-plist list)))
- :v
- (if (and (not (boundp list)) (fboundp list)
- (not (symbol-plist list)))
- :f
- (progn
- (princ " :f :v or propname?")
- (if (ins-propp list (setq name (ins-protread)))
- name
- (case name ((:f :v) name)))))))
- (defun ins-enter (list &aux val)
- (cond ((typep list '(or cons array))
- (if (setq val (ins-list-spec list))
- (concatenate (type-of list)
- (subseq list 0 val)
- (list (ins-ins (elt list val)))
- (subseq list (1+ val)))
- (ins-bad list)))
- ((typep list 'struct)
- (if (setq val (ins-struct-spec list))
- (progn (ins-set-struct list val
- (ins-ins (ins-struct list val)))
- list)
- (ins-bad list)))
- ((classp list)
- (if (setq val (ins-class-spec list))
- (if (car val)
- (let ((closure (cdr (assoc (cdr val)
- (send list :messages))))
- closure2 result)
- (unless (typep closure 'closure)
- (ins-bad list)
- (return-from ins-enter list))
- (setq closure2 (get-lambda-expression closure))
- (setq result (ins-ins closure2))
- (setf (cdr (cddr closure2)) (cdddr result))
- (setf (car (cddr closure2)) (caddr result))
- list)
- (progn (ins-set-ivar (send list :new)
- (cdr val)
- (ins-ins (ins-ivar (send list :new)
- (cdr val))))
- list))
- (ins-bad list)))
- ((objectp list)
- (if (setq val (ins-object-spec list))
- (progn
- (ins-set-ivar list val (ins-ins (ins-ivar list val)))
- list)
- (ins-bad list)))
- ((typep list 'closure)
- (let* ((x (get-lambda-expression list))
- (y (ins-ins x)))
- (setf (cdr (cddr x)) (cdddr y))
- (setf (car (cddr x)) (caddr y))
- list))
- ((symbolp list)
- (if (setq val (ins-symbol-spec list))
- (case val
- (:f
- (if (and (fboundp list)
- (typep (symbol-function list) 'closure))
- (let* ((x
- (get-lambda-expression
- (symbol-function list)))
- (y (ins-ins x)))
- (setf (cdr (cddr x)) (cdddr y))
- (setf (car (cddr x)) (caddr y))
- list)
- (ins-bad list)))
- (:v
- (if (boundp list)
- (let* ((*ins-name* (cons "symbol" list))
- (result (ins-ins (symbol-value list))))
- (if (constantp list)
- list
- (progn (set list result) list)))
- (ins-bad list)))
- (t (setf (get list val)
- (ins-ins (get list val)))
- list))))))
- (defun ins-repwith (list)
- (format t "~&Replace with: ")
- (ins-protread))
- (defun ins-replace (list &aux val)
- (cond ((typep list '(or cons array))
- (if (setq val (ins-list-spec list))
- (concatenate (type-of list)
- (subseq list 0 val)
- (list (ins-repwith list))
- (subseq list (1+ val)))
- (ins-bad list)))
- ((typep list 'struct)
- (if (setq val (ins-struct-spec list))
- (progn (ins-set-struct list val
- (ins-repwith list))
- list)
- (ins-bad list)))
- ((classp list) ; gotta catch this error here
- (ins-bad list))
- ((objectp list)
- (if (setq val (ins-object-spec list))
- (progn
- (ins-set-ivar list val (ins-repwith list))
- list)
- (ins-bad list)))
- ((symbolp list)
- (if (setq val (ins-symbol-spec list))
- (case val
- (:f
- (ins-bad list))
- (:v
- (if (not (constantp list))
- (progn (setf (symbol-value list)
- (ins-repwith list))
- list)
- (ins-bad list)))
- (t (setf (get list val)
- (ins-repwith list))
- list))))))
- ; main list repair interface
- (defun ins-ins (list)
- (ins-display list)
- (prog (command n newlist)
- y (ins-teread nil)
- (setq command (int-char (get-key))) ;; Works with most systems
- (princ command)
- (setq
- newlist ;; new list value, if any
- (case
- command
- (#\? (ins-help list))
- (#\v (if (setq *verbosity* (not *verbosity*))
- (ins-display list)
- list))
- (#\X (setq *ins-exit* -1) list)
- (#\Q (throw 'abort))
- (#\b (format t "ack") (return list))
- (#\B (format t "ack #? ")
- (when (setq n (ins-number 1 nil t))
- (setq *ins-exit* n))
- list)
- (#\l (if *verbosity*
- (if (symbolp list)
- (ins-display list)
- (progn (terpri) (pprint list)))
- (format t "~%~s~%" list))
- list)
- (#\! (format t " Eval:~%")
- (print (ins-proteval))
- list)
- (#\R (format t "eplace w. evaled:~%")
- (ins-proteval))
- (#\# (format t " print-level? ")
- (when (setq n (ins-number 1 nil t))
- (format t "Was ~s\n" *print-level*)
- (setq *print-level* n))
- list)
- (#\. (format t " print-length? ")
- (when (setq n (ins-number 1 nil t))
- (format t "Was ~s\n" *print-length*)
- (setq *print-length* n))
- list)
- ; cons only commands
- (#\A (if (consp list)
- (cons (ins-ins (car list)) (cdr list))
- (ins-bad list)))
- (#\D (if (consp list)
- (cons (car list) (ins-ins (cdr list)))
- (ins-bad list)))
- ; various special commands
- (#\e (if (typep list '(or cons struct array object symbol closure))
- (ins-enter list)
- (ins-bad list)))
- ((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)
- (setq n (- (char-int command) (char-int #\0)))
- (if (and (typep list '(or cons array))
- (< n (length list)))
- (concatenate (type-of list)
- (subseq list 0 n)
- (list (ins-ins (elt list n)))
- (subseq list (1+ n)))
- (ins-bad list)))
- (#\r (if (typep list '(or cons struct array object symbol))
- (ins-replace list)
- (ins-bad list)))
- (#.*RPAR* (if (and (typep list '(or cons array))
- (princ " remove nesting at #? ")
- (setq n (ins-number 0 (length list) nil))
- (typep (elt list n) '(or cons array)))
- (concatenate (type-of list)
- (subseq list 0 n)
- (elt list n)
- (subseq list (1+ n)))
- (ins-bad list)))
- ((#.*LPAR* #\[)
- (if (and (typep list '(or cons array))
- (princ " insert nesting starting at # and length? ")
- (setq n (ins-number 0 nil nil))
- (setq n2 (ins-number 1
- (- (1+ (length list)) n)
- nil)))
- (concatenate (type-of list)
- (subseq list 0 n)
- (list (coerce (subseq list n (+ n n2))
- (if (eq command *LPAR*)
- 'list
- 'array)))
- (subseq list (+ n n2)))
- (ins-bad list)))
- (#\i (if (and (typep list '(or array cons))
- (princ "nsert before # and value? ")
- (setq n (ins-number 0 (1+ (length list)) nil)))
- (concatenate (type-of list)
- (subseq list 0 n)
- (list (ins-protread))
- (subseq list n))
- (ins-bad list)))
- (#\d (if (and (typep list '(or array cons))
- (princ "elete #? ")
- (setq n (ins-number 0 (length list) nil)))
- (concatenate (type-of list)
- (subseq list 0 n)
- (subseq list (1+ n)))
- (ins-bad list)))
- (#\S (if (typep list 'cons)
- (progn
- (princ "ubstitute expr with expr\n")
- (subst (ins-protread)
- (ins-protread)
- list
- :test #'equal))
- (ins-bad list)))
- (t (ins-bad list))))
- (when (not (eq list newlist)) ;; show any changes
- (setq list newlist)
- (when (and (zerop *ins-exit*) *verbosity*)
- (ins-display list)))
- (when (zerop *ins-exit*) (go y))
- (setq *ins-exit* (1- *ins-exit*)) ;; return a level
- (return list)))